Panic attack is
triggered by an unusual bodily sensation.
Anxiety related
bodily sensations usually arise out of the blue and trigger intense confusion
and fear.
Common bodily
sensations are a pounding heart, tightness of chest or throat, shortness of
breath, a dizzy spell, and pins and needles.
Whatever the sensation, it is alarming and you
react with fear as you dread something bad is about to happen to your body. You
might wonder, “is this a heart attack?”
If you continue
to overreact with fear and confusion to the sensations you feel, your body’s
fight or flight response mechanism is switched on.
This is the biological mechanism that is
designed to keep you safe from real threats like being chased by a lion.
It is the mixture of this biological mechanism
with your not knowing what is happening to you, that triggers a FULL BLOWN
panic attack.
Eventually the
waves of panic subside once the fight or flight response deactivates.
The problem is,
you still feel totally freaked out by what just happened and very much on edge
because of all the chemicals that were released during the panic attack.
This feeling of sensitization and general
anxiety can last for hours after a panic attack.
It is now the
fear of another panic attack (fear of fear) that keeps you trapped in an
anxious state of mind.
You think avoidance is the best way to prevent
further panic attacks, and that leads you to avoid situations or places that
might trigger another episode.
Because you are
constantly on the look out for the next panic attack, your body stays anxious
and sensitized.
This tension
creates more anxious bodily sensations, looping you back to stage 1. The panic
loop is now established. This loop can last weeks or years, depending on the
help a person receives.
Learn how to short-circuit the panic loop after the very first step so the panic loop
is immediately broken.
The most common
symptom of anxiety is the racing or pounding heartbeat (palpitations).
Palpitations are short, abrupt periods in
which the heart suddenly starts beating fast.
If you’re in a sensitive state, this can ring
alarm bells because you fear a sudden heart attack.
The more you
panic, the faster the heart beats. It’s therefore understandable why many
people in this situation jump to conclusions and dash to the hospital ER for
medical help.
The next most
worrying sensations in relation to the heart are "missed heartbeats". The
medical term for missed heartbeats is extra systoles.
A missed heartbeat usually involves an extra
beat between two normal beats. Given the pause that follows this premature
beat, it seems as if one beat was missed
The average
person has no idea how terrifying a panic attack can be or how upsetting all
day general anxiety is, BUT you get on with it regardless.
You go to work,
you pick the kids up, and you look after your family. You do this even when you
are feeling really bad!
When you end your
anxiety you are then in a unique position to help others. Be it friends and
family or a stranger who crosses your path, you will be poised to make a

All the
techniques in Panic Away are designed to allow your body to heal naturally.
This is achieved
by pushing your mind out of the way and allowing your parasympathetic nervous
system to activate.
By continuously
stimulating your stress response, it is your anxious mind that keeps this from
In essence, Panic
Away teaches you to trick your anxious mind to move out of the way so your body
and mind can begin to relax again.
Once your anxious
mind is no longer stimulating the stress response, you quickly begin to feel
more like your old self again.
The Panic Away
Program teaches how to end panic attacks and reduce feelings of general
The program is used in over 32 countries
worldwide and is proving to be one of the most successful non- pharmaceutical
approaches to ending an anxiety disorder.
The programs
global success is a result of communicating psychological techniques in an easy
to follow, step by step manner.
You will quickly learn how to: Stop Panic
Attacks, End Feelings of General Anxiety , Eliminate Anxious Thoughts, Feel
More Confident and In Control.
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