Tuesday 7 July 2015

The Venus Factor:make fat burning easier

Everything to do with weight loss for both men and women is controlled by one master hormone.

This hormone that controls 100% of your body’s ability to burn fat is Leptin.

High levels of Leptin speed up your metabolism and signal your body to burn fat and low levels of Leptin slow down your metabolism and signal your body to store fat.

Have you ever suffered from that terrible rebound weight gain after you stop a diet?

Well that’s because your Leptin dropped significantly making your metabolism even slower than before you started the diet, resulting in fat piling back on even when you’re eating next to nothing.

There is a solution to turn the tables on your genetics by resetting the way your body utilizes Leptin to turn your fat burning switch all the way on, and never let it drop again.

Can you imagine how much faster and easier you'll lose weight when you have your master fat burning hormone working in overdrive for you instead of against you?

I’d like to introduce you to what really is the future of female fat loss:The Venus Factor.

The Venus Factor is the first and only weight loss plan designed to dramatically increase female metabolism and bring out the sexy goddess in you by delivering fast, long term, enjoyable fat loss...

Without restricting the foods you crave most, without working yourself in some death trap contraption, and most certainly WITHOUT working against your body so your fat loss process becomes simple, and even ENJOYABLE.

The Venus Factor is only for Women that are ready to put down the gimmick answers in order to follow a proven, flavorful step by step system for weight loss.

...and if you want to get the bikini body you desire without damaging your metabolism, or spending endless hours in the gym and sacrificing your favorite foods or red wine to do it, then The Venus Factor isn’t just “a system” for you...

The Venus Factor is a proven, flavorful step by step system for weight loss created especially for women by well known nutritionist John Barban.

It was developed to take female fat loss to another level.

The system shows you exactly what to eat and when to do it for the next 12 weeks to disintegrate fat from your problem areas and to rebalance the hormones responsible for appetite and weight gain.

John realized that whether our bodies burn fat or not is controlled by the sensitivity to a hormone called Leptin.

When a women gets older or after having children, their hormones get progressively out of balance.

Their bodies becomes more resistant to leptin and as a result,it stops burning fat and start storing it instead which may result in obesity.

Obesity has been associated with many types of cancer including colorectal cancer.

Leptin resistance causes obesity which can injure numerous peripheral tissues including liver,pancreas,vasculature and myocardium.

Leptin resistance is associated with insulin resistance and cadio vascular disease as chronic inflammationtype2diabetes, hypertension, atherothrombosis,myocardial injury and many more related diseases.

Diets high in fructose may cause leptin resistance and accelerate obesity.

The main cause of leptin however is having high levels of leptin itself in the body.As a person becomes fatter,they naturally have more leptin in the body.

It is to be noted that women need a different approach than men in getting skinny.

The reason is that women have leptin twice in abundance than men.

Their female organism resist weight loss effect that is supposed to offer and when they start fasting,their leptin levels drop drastically.

The key to the venus factor method of weight loss is that it has been created specially to reverse the leptin in women.

This is being done by retraining the body metabolism so that it naturally starts to burn fat and lose weight.

A very encouraging thing about this program is that it has been scientifically tested and proven to work.

This 12 week female fat loss exercise program is a perfect complement to your main program because most women that workout are unknowingly ruining their results using strategies designed for men instead of following a system proven to match a woman’s hormonal environment

This program uses unique exercises to match your hormonal state to target, strengthen and tone your softest areas, and eradicate cellulite from them while accelerating your fat loss results.

It helps women change their nutrition habbit so that their brains will automatically produce leptin and melt fat away.

People lose 20-50 pounds or more in the first 2-3 months after following the venus factor system.

It’s amazing considering they’re experiencing these rapid results while still enjoying their favorite foods like pizza, pasta, ice cream, and chocolate at the perfect times to accelerate female fat loss.

The Venus Factor is only for Women that are ready to put down the gimmick answers in order to follow a proven, flavorful step by step system for weight loss.

If you want to join the winning team then head over to the Venus Factor program.

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