Friday 3 July 2015

Skinception: How to get rid of stretchmarks fast!

Stretch marks occur for a variety of reasons.

Yet ,up to 90% of mothers have them.

The most obvious, of course, being from pregnancy.

But stretch marks can also occur from adolescence, weight gain and some medical conditions.

Heck, even weight-lifting can cause stretch marks. Did you get that guys?

Contrary to popular belief, stretch marks are more than skin that's simply been stretched too much.

Stretch marks occur when the body secretes the glucocorticoid hormone during some life events (that's you, pregnancy).

This hormone prevents the necessary collagen and elastin fibroblasts required for tight, healthy skin.

Collagen gives rigidity to the connective tissues and elastin, as its name implies, gives elasticity to the skin.

The loss of these supportive proteins is detrimental to your skin, causing it to separate in the deeper layers.

At first we see them as angry red strips.

Then the blood vessels dilate, and the loss of pigment eventually leads to a silver or white appearance.

This result in the angry red striations that eventually give way to, you guessed it, stretch marks.

They most often occur in areas of the body prone to growth, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and upper arms.

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy is scientifically formulated to address two of the main causes of stretch marks lost collagen and elastin. 

It also reduce and even erase those debilitating stretch marks.

You've heard it said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Now ask any women who's given birth if they're comfortable with their stretch marks in bathing suit season, when people doff their clothes and head to the beach.

With all eyes on you, stretch marks are visible.
Let's be honest, stretch marks aren’t sexy.

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy fades stretch marks.

Scientifically formulated with the latest in skin care technology, it's a safe and effective way to erase those tell-tale markers on your body. 

With Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy, you're healthy, sexy and best of all, stretch mark-free!

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